

Upgrading an old v2 machine to have bluetooth & the smart phone app

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  • This article applies only to v2 machines. To identify whether you have a v1, v2, or v2 Bluetooth machine, please refer to this article here.

This article relates to v2 machines only. It will guide you on how to upgrade one of these machines to the latest motherboard for access to the smartphone app (and watch apps). v1 machines cannot be upgraded to have access to the app.

Step 1: Confirm the machine has the old motherboard. A simple way to do this is to turn on the machine and check the software version. If it begins with 5 (eg, 5.1.2) then it is the old motherboard and requires replacing. If it begins with 6, then it is already the new motherboard (eg, 6.1.2) and it can already access the smart phone app.

If you’re unable to turn the machine on, then removing the control panel to inspect the motherboard is the next step. The new motherboards have a USB port for updating the software, so if you cannot see one, you know it’s the old motherboard. There is the word “Rampage” written on the new motherboard protection cover (shield) and the new motherboards have a bluetooth chip too.

Step 2: If it is an old motherboard and you wish to purchase the new motherboard to upgrade, please contact your local distributor for pricing & details. You may also wish to consider purchasing a new control panel which has an extra OK button (this is not necessary though).

Step 3: Once you have the new motherboard, start by removing the control panel from the machine.

Step 4: Remove the remote control receiver chip from the old motherboard.

Step 5: Depending on your decision at step 2, you may have an old control panel without an OK button. If you decide to keep your original panel, it will still work perfectly (you’ll use the FEED button instead of the OK button), but you’ll need to remember to select the correct panel when you first turn the machine on.

Step 6: Depending on whether or not you are upgrading the panel or not, install the new motherboard onto your existing panel or a new one with the OK button.

Step 7: Install your old remote control receiver chip onto the new motherboard.

Step 8: Install the control panel/motherboard/receiver chip back onto the machine.

Step 9: As discussed in step 4, make sure you select the correct panel type.

Step 10: Now you can download the app: – On the same page, you’ll find our “app guide” for instructions on how to use it.

Step 11: If you need an updated manual, please download it from our website via this page:

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