

Top or bottom wheel motor failure

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Spinfire_body-version_v1 Spinfire_body-version_v2
  • This article applies only to v1 and v2 machines. To identify whether you have a v1, v2, or v2 Bluetooth machine, please refer to this article here.

This article addresses fixing of Top or Bottom motor failure message coming up during initialisation or normal operation of the V1 and V2 machines. V2 machines were released in October 2020.  If you would like to determine if you have a V1 or a V2 machine, please read this article here.

For V1 machines:

This error message distinctly uses the word “failure” instead of “error” to signify that the problems are different. Here are the situations where an error like this might present itself:

  • When the bottom or top motor wires are disconnected (at the middle point along the wires) before turning on the machine or are disconnected after the machine is turned on, an error “Bottom motor failure” or “Top motor failure” will be displayed, indicating which motor is disconnected. Check these connections to solve the problem.

  • If either wire connected to the reset switch is unplugged, you may receive a “bottom motor failure”. Please check those wires to see if they are still connected. This article is helpful for checking the reset switch and its wires.
  • From version 4.1.2, this has been disabled but will apply to some earlier software versions: If the motor cable plug is disconnected at the motherboard while the machine is on, it will show “Top motor failure” (note, both motors are disconnected at the same time when the plug is removed, but it only shows “Top motor failure”).
  • If the motor cable plug is disconnected prior to turning the machine on, it will show “Throwing motor error, please check the reset switch” once turned on. Check this plug to solve the problem.

If none of the above resolves the issue, please contact your local Spinfire distributor for further assistance.

For V2 machines:

This error message distinctly uses the word “failure” instead of “error” to signify that the problem is different from this. The message means that the motherboard is not detecting the stated throwing motor connected to it. In order to fix the issue, the connections of the motor needs to be checked. The motors are connected on the rear of the control panel onto the motherboard. To access the connectors please follow the instructions in the video below:

Once you have access to the connectors, identify the plug for the motor that the message is relevant to i.e top motor if the message is ‘Top motor failure’ and bottom motor if it is ‘Bottom motor failure’.

Top motor plug:

Bottom motor plug:


Confirm that the plugs are connected properly. You can try unplugging and re-plugging them to make sure the contact is free of dust/debris then turn the machine on to see if the issue is resolved.

If the issue persists even after checking the motor plugs please contact your local Spinfire distributor for further assistance.

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