

Throwing Motor Error – Please Check Reset Switch

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The first action to take is to check that the reset switch hasn’t “popped”. If it has, the button will feel firm. Simply pressing the button will solve this problem and the machine should operate as usual.

If this doesn’t solve the problem, ensure there isn’t a ball jam behind the throwing wheels. If there is a ball jam, removing the ball will usually solve this problem.

If there is no obvious jam, then the problem is most likely going to be a loose wire, a faulty reset switch or the motherboard. It is less likely to be the two motors, as it is highly unlikely that both would fail at the same time, but that is also possible.

Firstly, ensure that there are no loose wires to the master and reset switches and that all these wires are securely connected. This may require crimping of the terminals so the wires are secure.

Remove the purple cover by watching the video below.

Check the wires shown in the photo below.

Master Reset Locations

If all the wires are securely in place and your machine continues to give a throwing motor error, please contact your local distributor for a replacement reset switch. 
If this still fails to solve the throwing motor error, please contact your local Spinfire distributor for further assistance.
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