

Software Download Page (V2 USB)

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This article relates to only v2 machines with a USB port on the motherboard. To determine if you have a v1 or v2 machine, please read this article here.

Machines with software V-6.0.0 and above have a USB port on the motherboard. To know your machine’s existing software version please refer to this article.

IMPORTANT: Depending on the machine type please choose the correct software using the criteria below:

Tennis, Padel and Pickleball machines require the ‘Main update‘ version.

Cricket machines require the ‘Cricket update‘ version unless it is software version 6.3.0 or later.


September 06 2024:

Main update: V-6.3.3

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1.  Remote buttons cancel Custom Drill
  2. Ball Fire Detection improvements when stop / starting drills


July 29 2024:

Main update: V-6.3.2

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Bug fixed where cricket LED did not flash before a ball fire apart from initial feed start.
  2. Optimized battery bar indication for Lithium batteries.
  3. Fixed bug where incorrect datum name was being displayed in the settings.
  4. Random interval/speed/spin activation through app makes beep sound on machine.
  5. Bug fixed where single ball fire from app/remote caused multiple balls to shoot.


July 09 2024:

Main update: V-6.3.1

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Bug fix regarding tennis machine type setting.
  2. Fixed battery voltage values not being set correctly even though the battery type is loaded correctly.


July 08 2024:

Main update: V-6.3.0

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Machine now displays other machine types(Padel, Cricket or Lacrosse) under software version at startup. Space is blank in case of tennis. Pickleball was already being displayed.
  2. Remote’s vertical button now usable with cricket machines
  3. Bug fixed where the machine would go to elevation zero when Padel 1 drill was turned off. Now it goes to elevation at which the drill was started.
  4. Bug fixed where if the machine was displaying the Horizontal/Vertical/TL Drills and the same drill button was pressed nothing would happen. It would now take the machine to main screen.
  5. Added functionality to change the control panel type using the mobile app


June 21 2024:

Main update: V-6.2.8

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Machine displays ‘Pickleball’ under software version number at startup for pickleball machines.
  2. Pressing the ‘Reset Settings’ button on Advanced Settings page in the app made the machine boot into software upgrade mode. This is now fixed.

Cricket update: V-6.2.8

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. No change


June 12 2024:

Main update: V-6.2.6

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Two Line Drill Menu UI corrected.
  2. Activation of Padel mode from the app had a bug. It is now fixed.

Cricket update: V-6.2.6

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Two Line Drill Menu UI corrected.
  2. Activation of Padel mode from the app had a bug. It is now fixed.


May 31 2024:

Main update: V-6.2.4

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Battery type selection menu did not allow changing of battery type. It is fixed now.

Cricket update: V-6.2.4

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Battery type selection menu did not allow changing of battery type. It is fixed now.


May 27 2024:

Main update: V-6.2.3

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Correct Battery Voltage calculation and ball count reporting wrong OTA.
  2. Reduce time for panel press for Matrix and some other changes for Bootloader.
  3. Improvement to vertical button function across the range.

Cricket update: V-6.2.3

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Improvement to vertical button function across the range.
  2. Overlapping with Padel software now eliminated.


May 01 2024:

Main update: V-6.2.1

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Bug fix: If horizontal calibration or vertical calibration failed during initialising the machine presented the relevant error but when power button was pressed it attempted to move to centre and 50 elevation value. It no longer does that in case an error comes up.

  2. Bug fix: Occasionally machine failed to display ‘REMOTE PAIRING COMPLETE’ message even though the pairing was successful. This is fixed now.

Cricket update: V-6.2.1

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Front LED functions added. LED now flashes once when feed is activated.

  2. Front LED keeps flashing when feed delay is activated. It flashes every 1 second until the last 3 seconds, then stays ON for 2 seconds and turns off. Then naturally flashes when feed is activated after the chosen delay.

  3. Front LED flashes when machine exits sleep mode.

  4. New vertical menu added for Cricket machines. It offers the same random and padel 1 drill but padel 1 is named as Fielding.

  5. Letter ‘F’ is displayed next to elevation value when Fielding mode is active.


April 24 2024:

Main update: V-6.2.0

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Bug fix: Main Jam sensitivity value relation to Jam sense fixed. Previously increasing the main jam sensitivity value would make the motors less sensitive and vice versa. This bug has been since V6.1.3. Now affect of change in value aligns with knowledge base article.


April 22 2024:

Main update: V-6.1.9

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Bug fix: ‘Back’ option in Drills menu was not working. It is fixed now.


April 5 2024:

Main update: V-6.1.8

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. New improved UI consisting of scrolling menu added. OK button used to navigate through it. Updated manual available here.
  2. If used with a panel without the OK panel FEED button is used instead of OK button to navigate through the menus.


February 26 2024:

Main update: V-6.1.6

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Improved ball fire detection method.
  2. Improved horizontal random ball distribution. Previous feedback suggested balls not enough balls landing on the extremes of the horizontal random modes. Changes made to ensure the end spots are hit more frequently.
  3. Bug fix: False ‘OVERCURRENT DETECTED’ error would sometimes come up on machine start up. This is now fixed.
  4. Bug fix: Accessing hidden menus using the Matrix Panel was not possible where 3 buttons needed to be press and held. It is now fixed.
  5. Bug fix: When changing the sensitivity values, the value could be increased/decreased outside the max/min limits. It is now fixed.
  6. If used with OK panel, OK button does nothing.


December 29 2023:

Main update: V-6.1.4

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Basic fix related to Two line drill UI.
  2. If used with OK panel, OK button does nothing.


December 22 2023:

Main update: V-6.1.3

Click here to download it. Please do not rename the file.

Instructions on how to upgrade the board can be found here.

Release Notes:

  1. Added support for panels with OK button. Panels with OK button will not work with software prior to this.
  2. If used with OK panel, OK button does nothing.
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