

Replacing the lever spring in a standard base clamp

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If a standard base clamp on your Spinfire Flame, Inferno or Blaze, no longer springs back upon release, then it is likely that the spring inside the lever is broken. This article will guide you through how to replace the spring inside your lever.


Locate the spare parts box which came with your machine. Inside it, you should find two spares of these springs. If you cannot find a spare spring, please contact your local Spinfire dealer to obtain this part.


Using a 3mm hex wrench, undo the two grub screws on either side of the lever:


Push out the lock pin which sits between the two grub screws.


Lift the lever off and remove the broken spring, making sure any fragments of the spring are also removed from holes 1 and 2. You may need pliers or tweezers to remove the fragments.

Place the new spring back into position, inserting the spring’s pin 1 into hole 1.


On the other side of the spring, pin 2 must be inserted into hole 2 inside the lever.

Once the new spring is back into position, re-insert the lock pin and tighten up the grub screws on either side of it.

You have now completed the repair and your lever should spring release again.

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