

How to replace the remote control receiver chip

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The receiver chip can be found at the top of the motherboard and is connected to the motherboard by a seven-pin connection and some glue.

To remove the receiver chip from the motherboard, first cut away the glue using a pair of scissors or cutters. We find Xuron cutters to be most effective, but you may find warming the glue first with a hair dryer will make removing the glue easier.

Connect your new receiver chip to the motherboard so that the seven pins are positioned at the bottom of the receiver chip. The top of the receiver chip should extend slightly past the motherboard and any writing on the motherboard and receiver chip should be the same way up.

Secure the receiver chip to the motherboard with a hot glue gun or neutral cure silicone. Acetoxy cure silicone is not suitable as it will produce acetic acid while curing and may cause damage. If the silicone smells like vinegar, don’t use it.

For a video of this procedure, please watch below:

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