

How to replace the control panel (V2)

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Spinfire_body-version_v1 Spinfire_body-version_v2
  • This article applies only to v2 machines. To identify whether you have a v1, v2, or v2 Bluetooth machine, please refer to this article here.

Procedure time: approximately 5 minutes

Removing the control panel

Step 1: Removing the control panel assembly from the motherboard

Follow the removal procedure here to complete this step.

Step 2: Removing the motherboard from the control panel

Follow the removal procedure here to complete this step.

Step 3: Removing the master wires connectors

The master wires are the red wires that connect to the master switch. Identify the wires and remove all three connectors that connect to the master switch. The picture below shows disconnecting of one of the three connectors:

Note: When putting them back onto the new control panel ensure they go in the same orientation as before otherwise you will not be able to connect the black plug to the motherboard without twisting the red wires. If you get them wrong you can always disconnect, flip and connect them in the correct orientation.

Step 4: Removing the master switch

The master switch is held in place by two plastic locks on each side of the switch. These locks are on the inner side of the control panel and need to be pressed together while pushing the switch outwards in order to remove the switch from the control panel. The pictures below show how it can be done:

added to centre pic

Step 4: Removing the spacers

The spacers provides a safe distance between the motherboard and the control panel. There are four in each control panel assembly on each of the four screws. Remove them from the screws.

Your new control panel might not come with new spacers so we suggest you keep the old ones to go onto the new control panel.

You should now have the control panel separated from all other components.

Installing the control panel

There is one addition step while installing a new control panel apart from reverse following what was done to remove the previous one. The master switch has small outdent to prevent it from rotating while in operation. It can be seen in the image below along with the pairing notch in the control panel:

You will need to match the outdent with the notch before inserting the master switch back onto the control panel.

For any further assistance or ordering of spare parts please get in touch with your local Spinfire distributor.

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