

How to remove the purple body from your machine (v2)

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Spinfire_body-version_v1 Spinfire_body-version_v2
  • This article applies only to v2 machines. To identify whether you have a v1, v2, or v2 Bluetooth machine, please refer to this article here.

If you need instructions to remove the purple body of a v1 machine please read this article here.

To remove the purple body, you need to start by removing the control panel.

Step 1: Remove the control panel

  1. Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the 4 screws on the control panel. These screws are M4 x 12mm if you need to buy replacements.
  2. Gently pull out the control panel.
  3. Disconnect each plug from the motherboard by pressing the release clip and pulling on the plug (not on the wires). Leave the middle black plug connected.
  4. The white wire is the antenna for the remote control (if you have one) and should just hang loose.

Your control panel should now be disconnected. Here is a video showing you the above process (you only need to watch the first half at this point):

Step 2: Remove the purple body

  1. With the control panel removed, tilt the machine upright to access the base screws.
  2. Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove 7 of the 9 screws as shown in the below video, leaving the top centre and one bottom screw in place. These screws are M6 x 12mm if you need to buy replacements.
  3. Lower the body back down and hang the front over the edge of your bench. You can now remove the front screw (note, in the video, this screw has a washer & spring washer, but some machines will not have these, this front screw will be the only one without them).
  4. Holding the transport handle so that the base doesn’t separate from the body, gently & carefully rotate the machine 180 degrees so that you can hang the back over the edge of your bench. You can now remove the last remaining screw.
  5. Tuck the green wire inside the machine as this is from the feeder motor which is part of the purple body. Then gently lift the purple body off.

Here is a video showing you the above process of removing the purple body (you only need to watch the first half):

You should now have removed your control panel and purple body, giving you access to the inside of your machine.

When you are ready to reinstall these items, please follow the below instructions:

Step 3: Reinstalling your purple body

  1. Start by placing the wires neatly on top of the battery brace.
  2. Manually lower the elevation all the way to the bottom.
  3. Inside your purple body is a curtain which sits around the ball chute to stop balls from falling out. This needs to sit neatly between the battery (or just the empty battery brace if you have an external battery only) and the ball chute, so please review this area so that you understand what is required.
  4. Reinstall the purple body slowly & carefully, paying particular attention to the curtain to make sure it sits neatly between the battery brace and the ball chute.
  5. Locate all wires and gently pull them out of the control panel hole.
  6. Loosely reinstall one screw at the back and another at the front (note, the one screw at the front may not have a washer & spring washer like the rest of the screws – the below video may be incorrect on this point). Hold on to the transport handle as you rotate the machine 180 degrees to prevent the body and the base plate from separating.
  7. Tilt the body upright and reinstall the remaining 7 screws. If you have any difficulty reinstalling any of the screws, please make sure all the others are loose, then lower your machine back down and hang the troublesome hole over the edge of your bench. Try to install the screw from underneath, just the same as how screws one and two were installed. It’s important that the other screws are all loose so you can still move the body around a bit to make room for your screw.
  8. Once all 9 screws are in loosely, you can then tighten them fully.

Here is a video showing the above process:

With your purple cover back in place, it’s now time to reinstall the control panel.

Step 4: Reinstalling the control panel

  1. Start by reconnecting each of the cables to their colour matched plug on the motherboard. Below is an image showing all the plugs connected to the motherboard:
    Note: If you have a Spinfire Cricket machine you will have one additional purple plug that is not shown in the image above.
  2. Place the control panel back onto the body, paying close attention to the flat green ribbon cable and the wires to make sure they all go inside the body and don’t get pinched between the control panel and body.
  3. Start by reinstalling the 4 screws loosely using a Phillips head screwdriver.
  4. Once all 4 screws are fitted loosely, you can then tighten them fully, being careful not to overtighten them.

Here is a video showing the above process:

Your machine should now be ready to use again, so please test it to confirm it can turn on.

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