

Compensating for motor differences

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This article applies to both v1 and v2 (without smartphone app capability) machines.

In certain circumstances, you may need to adjust the software to compensate for variance in motors. Examples of this might be:

  • Your motors have become old and are not performing as well as they once did
  • The slowest balls firing from your machine are not slow enough for your needs (eg, feeding to very young children)

To adjust the motor compensation setting, you will need software version M4.1.9 or later. To access the menu, start with your machine turned off, then turn it on by holding POWER + LEFT + FEED. Depending on your software version, you may be able to vary this value between 0 to 1 or from -2 to +2. The default value is 0. By increasing this value, all speeds will be increase (useful if your motors have become old and worn). By decreasing the value, all speeds will slow down (useful if needing slower speeds for young children).

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