

Ball machine shuts down immediately after starting

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Spinfire_body-version_v1 Spinfire_body-version_v2
  • This article applies only to v1 and v2 machines. To identify whether you have a v1, v2, or v2 Bluetooth machine, please refer to this article here.

The most likely cause of this issue will be a battery that isn’t fully charged.  If this is the case, the blue low battery warning light will be on, the battery level indicator bars on the right of the LCD display will be down to one bar and the LCD screen will display a low power warning. The machine will then shut down.

If the battery is flat, charging the battery overnight with a Spinfire standard charger or charging for 3-4 hours with a Spinfire fast charger will completely charge a flat battery.

If after completely charging the battery the machine still shuts down immediately after starting, this may be caused by a:

  • dead battery
  • faulty fuse in the external battery cable (a fuse can be partially blown). Please refer to Replacing External Battery Fuse
  • faulty charger not recharging the battery
  • faulty master switch or wire connections to the master switch (particularly on v2 machines)
  • faulty control panel (power button constantly pressed down causing the machine to turn on and off repeatedly)
  • broken soldering making an intermittent connection on the external battery cable XLR plug or behind the charger jack
  • loose cable (battery or motor cables on MB, loose but not completely disconnected)

If you suspect it is a dead battery,  please contact your local distributor about how to test the charge of the battery with a multimeter. If the charge is less than 10.8V, this will not be enough to start the ball machine. Any level fractionally above this might be enough to start the machine but not enough to keep the machine operating, causing it to shut down. If the battery has a charge lower than 10.8V it is dead and needs to be replaced with a 12V 20Ah lead-acid battery.

If the battery is working as expected and your machine still shuts down immediately, please contact your local Spinfire distributor for assistance and any spare parts you may require.

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