

How to replace the remote control receiver chip for V2 machines

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To access the remote chip, you will need to unscrew the 4 hex nuts holding the motherboard shield, disconnect the main switch plug and then remove the motherboard shield. This can be done using a 4mm nut driver or a pair of needle-nose pliers. The receiver chip can be found at the top of the motherboard and is connected by a seven-pin connection and some glue.

To remove the receiver chip from the motherboard, pull away the glue using needle-nose pliers. If the glue is difficult to remove, you can try spraying it with an alcohol spray (similar to those used for cleaning a spectacle lens) and waiting 5 minutes. Or you could try using a hair dryer to warm up the glue before attempting to remove it.

Connect your new receiver chip to the motherboard in the same orientation as the previous one.

Optional step: Secure the receiver chip to the motherboard with a hot glue gun or neutral cure silicone. Acetoxy cure silicone is not suitable as it will produce acetic acid while curing and may cause damage. If the silicone smells like vinegar, don’t use it. If you do not have suitable glue to use, you can skip this step. Glue is used to prevent the chip from vibrating out over time, so if you do skip this step and find your remote becomes unresponsive in the future, you may wish to check if this receiver chip is still firmly connected.

For a video of this procedure, please watch below:

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