

Hopper is too tight

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  • This article applies only to V1 and V2 machines. To identify whether you have a V1, V2, or V2 USB machine, please refer to this article here.

If your hopper is too tight and difficult to push on or to pull off the purple body, this article will guide you through the process of loosening it for a better fit. A hopper can become tight due to changing weather conditions.

In the below image, you can see that the hopper is sitting up too high. As the connection is too tight, it cannot be pushed down for a perfect connection.

Tight Connection

To resolve this issue, simply use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat up the inside collar of the white hopper. To do this, leave the white hopper sitting up loose and high on the purple body to give you good access to the collar. Or even remove the white hopper completely during this process. Work your way around the whole collar of the hopper, heating it as you go.

Heat Gun

You do not want to melt the hopper, so start slowly, just warming it up and once you feel the hopper’s collar is sufficiently warm and malleable, install it onto the purple body. The process of installing it will open up the collar. Once it cools down again, it should retain the new shape and have a looser fit.

If it doesn’t work well on your first attempt, you may need to heat the collar more and try again.

Your hopper should now fit comfortably onto your machine and be easy to install and remove.

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