

Expanded, swollen, fat or excessively heating battery

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Swollen Battery Example

Example swollen battery

If you discover that your battery has become swollen or heating up excessively while charging, please cease using it. Rest assured, it is perfectly safe and there is no risk of fire or danger.

This is caused during charging when one of the 2 volt cells (your battery has 6 x 2 volt cells, totalling 12 volts) becomes defective. It causes the other 5 cells to take all of the battery charge which results in them overheating. The plastic battery case then expands due to the excess heat. This can often cause an unpleasant smell which is the excess heat venting from the battery. Our smart charger will detect this failure and stop applying charge, however, it’s always safest to unplug the charger as soon as this issue is detected.

The safe design of sealed lead acid batteries allows them to expand and vent when a failure like this occurs.

We recommend at this point that the battery be replaced and also the charger (just in case it has somehow contributed to the battery failure). Please contact your local Spinfire distributor about how to replace a new battery.


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